Tuesday and Thursday club training
The club meets on Tuesday and Thursday nights throughout the year for members and prospective members.
The way we structure our training is aimed to help our members have a balanced structure to their weekly running. Clearly everyone will have individual aspirations, but our two training nights will fit nicely into most people's training plans.
Tuesday nights are a traditional mid distance run, and Thursdays are our speed endurance training night and with most runners doing a longer slower weekend run, this is a decent balance for anyone.
Tuesday nights
Tuesday night training is a paced run for approximately 60 mins starting promptly at 6.30pm unless advertised otherwise.
Pace groups
We try to form these pace groups* each Tuesday:
- 6.30 min/mile (depends on which quicker runs turnout on a Tuesday)
- 7.00 min/mile
- 7.30 min/mile
- 7.45 min/mile
- 8.00 min/mile
- 8.30 min/mile
- 9.00 min/mile
- 9.30 min/mile
- 10.00 min/mile
* Approx. pace for road/pavement running (slower on off road trails). Depending on the turn out, groups may be divided or merged.
With several pace groups, this is an ideal opportunity for our members to partake in a threshold / tempo run (harder effort, can't speak that much) a steady run (usually comfortably hard, can manage a few words of conversation) or easy run (full conversation pace) to suit their requirements for that evening.
The groups also give a great opportunity for you to progress your running by moving up groups as weeks go by – if that is what you are looking for.
Alternatively sit back enjoy the run with no pressure and good friends around you.
If you are unsure which group to join please speak to one of the run leaders on the night to be put in an appropriate group.
Group leaders
Each pace group has a group leader; they are responsible for guiding and pacing their group. They will adjust the route for shorter / longer options depending on the speed of their group.
They are also responsible for making sure no one is left behind.
Please respect the run leaders by running at their pace (and not running ahead) and listening to their instructions.
Read more guidance for Tuesday run group leaders below.
Where do we run
Locations vary throughout the year. In the Winter we run on road and alternate between Barrow and Loughborough. Please remember to wear hi-viz clothing and / or lights for Winter runs.
In the Summer months we alternate between Barrow and Woodhouse Eaves to get onto the local trails.
The start location and route map for each Tuesday is added to the Events Calendar in advance.
Thursday nights
Thursday nights are speed endurance or interval sessions, led by UK Athletics trained coaches.
These alternate between Ratcliffe College and either Loughborough Grammar School track in Quorn (Summer months).
It's a safe environment to try out new training routines, practice different paces and prepare for races.
Coached hill sessions are also held on the first Thursday of each month (on a trial basis to be reviewed at Christmas 2024).
The Thursday track session at Ratcliffe will continue as usual on the hill session nights, so members have a choice of which to attend.
Each week's training location and overview the sessions will be on the Events Calendar.
Thursday nights start promptly at 7pm unless advertised differently.
Whilst the concept of 'speed' training may be scary to some, there is never any pressure on members to run at certain paces. Our coaches will ensure you are advised on how to tackle the session depending upon your personal fitness levels, goals and training experience.
Whether you are training for 5k, 10k, half or full marathons, or just training to get fitter and feel better about yourself, these sessions will benefit your training.
Guidance for Tuesday run group leaders
In order to keep having different pace groups we need people to volunteer to lead runs - this can seem daunting, so we have put together some guidelines together to help you.
- You do not have to be a qualified coach or have a run leader qualification (LiRF) in order to lead a run group.
- You are not legally responsible for any runner in the group.
- You should look to lead a group that runs at a pace you are comfortable running at, and not struggling to maintain.
- Tuesday training runs are usually for an hour, each group has a specified pace, but don't be too worried if you end up being a bit shorter or longer in time, safety and enjoyment are the priority.
- Ensure that you are aware of the route that is being undertaken that evening. These are usually published before hand on Facebook but seek advice at the start of training if unsure or you have any questions.
- Don't worry about getting lost, you can always retrace your steps, and more often than not someone else in the group will know where you are.
- You should carry a mobile phone with when leading a run, make sure it is charged.
Before you run
- Before you set off, count the number of runners you have in your group
- Introduce yourself so that everyone running knows your name
- Ask the names of any people in the group you don't know – if anyone says that they are not a member please let a committee member know post run – we allow non-members to take part in session prior to committing to the club but need to know so that we can chat to them – even better, if you have time please introduce them to a committee member
- Ask that if anyone decides mid-run that they are going to drop out, that must let you know when they do (e.g. go home as it is enroute)
- Check if there is anyone within the group stepping up the pace for the first time, as they may struggle in the few first sessions moving up.
- Ask if everyone has ICE (in case of emergency) details on them, if not, encourage for future.
- Ask someone to be the tail runner. They will remain at the back of the group to ensure nobody is left behind and can shout forward to you if the pace needs adjusting or a loop back is needed.
- Try to do encourage a brief warm up before setting off. This could be as simple as jogging on the spot whilst you count everyone and make introductions, or taking a gentler pace for the first few minutes of the run
During the run
- Try to keep everyone running as a group
- Call/look back to the group frequently to check everyone is comfortable at the pace, adjust if necessary.
- No runners should run ahead of the group leader, unless specifically agreed with the group leader. These runners in future should be encouraged to move up a group in future weeks if the pace is too slow for them.
- If you find the group is starting to split, you can call to your front runners and ask them to loop back. This would mean they run back towards the rest of the group, past the back runners for a little way and then turn to start running back to re-join at the back of the group. You can do this as many times as necessary over the course of the run.
- Try and keep your pace as even as possible and close to your target pace during the run, this will help prevent faster runners running off and slower runners getting left behind.
- We run a lot on pavements and footpaths with shared usage. We don't have right of way and need to be respectful of others. Be prepared to call out any hazards you encounter on your route, this could include: o Bikes – should include an instruction to your runners to keep left or right as appropriate o Other pedestrians, dogs, particularly if the pathway is narrow and you need runners to move to left/right/single file in order to pass safely and courteously o Bollards! (not Mick!)
- Be mindful of road crossings, ask all the group to wait at busy junctions especially so you can ensure all cross safely. After Run
- Count your group back in to make sure you have returned with everyone
- Encourage the group to stretch before they drive home.
Running on dark evenings
- Ensure that you have a torch or running light and some hi-visibility clothing when running in the dark.
- If anyone planning to run with your group appears to not have suitable hi-viz or a torch, they either need to obtain some (perhaps another runner has spares) and advised to bring suitable reflective gear to the next run.
- Ideally run where there is suitable street lighting.
- Encourage others to have torches (head, body or hand held).
In case of emergency
- If assistance is needed from any of the emergency services, call 999 as soon as you can safely do so
- If a runner is hurt or has been taken ill, check to see if they are carrying an ICE tag with medical information and next of kin contact details
- Utilise the rest of the group to either assist with the situation or find help if needed
- If someone is injured , ideally at least 2 people should stay with the injured party awaiting help. Ask if someone is happy to lead the group back to the start for those not involved.
- As soon as practical get in touch with one of the Clubs Welfare Officers or contact any club committee member.