The Committee
The Club is run by an elected committee from the current Membership. Voted in at the annual AGM to represent the interests of the membership.
More details on the roles can be found on the links below.
Committee meetings are to be held approximately every 6 weeks.
Minutes will be uploaded once approved by committee - view all minutes.
There are also a number of sub committees that meet to discuss certain areas in greater detail, and report back to main committee where required.
Sub committees are made up of members of the committee and other members approved by the committee.
Social Sub-Committee
As a club we want to ensure it's not all running, and that members get to know each other and come together as a team. The social committee organise all our social events from the club presentation evening to the summer barbecue.
- Chair - Jo Chappell
- Julie Felstead
- Farah Robson
- Paul Bentley
- Alison Newall
- Claire Armitage
- Sue Taylor
- Nell Steel
- Louise Caskey
Membership Committee
- Andrew Unitt
- Julie Felsted
- Monique Raaijmakers
- Nigel Hillier
- Vicky Elston
- Ben Spencer
- Liam King
Race Sub-Committee
The race committee organise our club races, currently the Prestwold 10K and Boxing Day Handicap. This is wide ranging and includes race licencing, marketing, promotion, entries, catering, stewarding etc. The sub-committee meets most months, feeding back to the main committee with any major decisions being voted through Committee.
- Race Director - Andrew Unitt
- Mick Ballard
- Ian Paramore
- Fiona Mee
- Liam King
Coaching Sub-Committee
The coaching committee meet bi-monthly to plan upcoming training schedules, allocate coaches, book venues and communicate session details to members.
- Coach Coordinator - Mick Ballard
- Rob Phillips
- Ian Paramore
- Caroline Richardson
- Amber Lester
Captains Sub-Committee
The captains main role is to encourage members across all levels of running, ensure members are aware of opportunities, encouraging participation and ensuring the club is represented in chosen races. They also decide on the races within the club championships and winter championships.
- Ladies' Captain - Sue Taylor
- Ladies' Vice Captain - Monique Raiijmakers
- Men's Captain - Mark Sadler
- Men's Vice Captain - Paul Bentley
- Off Road Captain - Andy Price
- Representative from Coaching group